Is Teen Patti Game Based More on Luck or Skill?

Teen Patti is a thrilling game loved by players of all ages and backgrounds throughout the world. Despite being a favorite game of many players, a question strikes every Teen Patti lover’s mind at least once – is
Teen Patti a game of luck or strategy? In this blog, we’ll answer this question that has been a topic of debate for years, so sit tight and let’s proceed.

How to Play Teen Patti?

Teen Patti, also known as "Indian poker" or "flush," is a gambling card game that is similar to the British game of three-card brag. The game is typically played with a standard deck of 52 cards and can be enjoyed with 3 to 6 players. Teen Patti involves betting and bluffing, with the objective being to have the best three-card hand at the end of the game.

Is Teen Patti Based on Luck or Strategy?

One of the key factors that make Teen Patti an exciting game is the element of luck. Like any card game, luck plays a significant role in determining the outcome of each round. The cards you are dealt with are entirely random, and winning or losing can often come down to the luck of the draw. Whether you get a strong hand or a weak hand largely depends on chance, and there is no way to predict what cards will be dealt next.

However, while luck is undeniably a factor in Teen Patti, skill also plays a crucial role in determining the winner. Experienced players know how to analyze their hand, assess the odds, and make strategic decisions that can increase their chances of winning. By using tactics such as bluffing, reading opponents, and managing their bets wisely, skilled players can turn the odds in their favor and outsmart their opponents.

Also Applicable on Teen Patti Variants: 

One of the most popular variations of Teen Patti is Teen Patti Royal, where players compete to have the highest-ranking hand to win the coveted "Royaljeet." In this version of the game, the skill becomes even more critical as players must carefully consider their strategy to outsmart their opponents and claim the ultimate prize.

Teen Patti is a game that rewards both luck and skill, making it a thrilling and unpredictable experience for players. While luck may dictate the cards you are dealt, it is ultimately up to your skill and strategy to make the most of them. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, Teen Patti offers a unique blend of chance and tactics that keep players coming back for more.


Teen Patti is a game that has a perfect balance between luck and strategy. While luck may affect the cards you receive, you can still use your skills and strategy to succeed in the game. Whether you are someone who likes taking risk and relies on intuition or a strategy to plan every move, Teen Patti offers something for everyone. So, the next time you sit down at the table to play Teen Patti, remember that while luck may be on your side, it is your skill that can ultimately lead you to winning. Download the Royaljeet app and start playing to test and upskill your strategies and apparantly win big amount.


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